Sea Project Information of CLT/CHB/CLT/CFS-BN/15974
Sea Project Details

Sea Project Details

HBL: 2024.07.29
Company: CLT
Department: CHB
Master Job Number: 2024.08.31
CHB Job Number: CLT/CHB/CLT/CFS-BN/15974
Customer: Colombo Logistic Terminals
Customer Short Name: CFS-BN
Billing Client: CFS BOAT NOTE
Project Name: BOT NOTE
Vessel: 200W
Voyage: 220W
ETA: Aug 31, 2024
Created Date and Time: Jul 29, 2024 10:36:00
Due Date: Aug 01, 2024
Job Create By: Lahiru Danushka
Payment Status: Pending

Item Information

Shipment Information

Master Job No: 2024.08.31


Shipment Mode: Export

Shipment Type: FCL

Shipment Category: Customs

Container Details

# Container No Seal No Container Type

Documents Information

# Name Type Description Date Action